A Spoonful of Summer Memories

As the days of summer draw to an end, many of us will girlsatseashorestill be wondering what we are going to do with all those shells that followed us home from the beach.  One great craft to do with them, especially if you have children, is to make shell spoons.  These handcrafted spoons can become a memorable keepsake or add some whimsical fun to mealtime.

You will need: seashells; popsicle sticks; food-safe glue; and duct tape, fabric or ribbon for spoon handle covering.

First, choose shells that are “spoon-shaped,” have bright colors and interesting designs.  Handwash your shells thoroughly to remove all sand and beach grime.  (This will allow the glue to stick better and nobody likes the taste of sand.)  You will also need popsicle sticks, food-safe glue, and something to cover your handle.  Duct tape is perfect for a metallic look or you can use fabric or ribbon.  You can also decorate your handle with little shells but just re7640000member that you need to be able to hold your spoon.

Wrap your popsicle stick with your choice of covering.  Secure your fabric or ribbon with glue and let it completely dry before you move to the next step.  Glue your shell onto an end of the stick and allow it to dry.

Your spoon is now ready to grace the dinner table, adorn a shelf, or be given as a gift.  These are wonderful to use on a cold winter day.  It will remind you of past summer fun and the summers to come. (Obviously, they can’t be put in the dishwasher, but you can carefully wash the spoon part and reuse them.)

Note: Find more ideas for enjoying the last precious days of summer in Lehmans.com‘s toy department.

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