
An Ode to the Cookbook (and Some Summer Garden Recipes)

Think about your favorite cookbook. Maybe you even got it from your mother or grandmother. The pages start to curl at the edges, you get fingerprints on the cover, you spill all kinds of stuff – vanilla, Worcestershire sauce, various cake batters – on it as you lovingly cook for your family.

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freeze dried chicken breasts

Cook once eat twice

There are many foods that can be prepared all at one time then show back up on your family’s menu as totally different dishes…

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Stretch Your Food Dollar!

Not all of these tips may work for you, but considering that we can save up to 25 to 30 percent on our grocery bill if we plan ahead it might be worth giving a try. When one tip becomes a habit, try another and see what difference it makes for you and your family. Good nutrition doesn’t just happen. We need to plan for good foods to keep ourselves and our families healthy.

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Daddy Bread

My sister and I knew Dad had baked bread as soon as we hit the door, just off the school bus. Our little house would be filled with a welcoming, unmistakable aroma…

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Capsicum Etiquette 101

If you’re looking for the true Taste Of The West, look no further than a freshly picked, mesquite-roasted “Chili Pepper,” better known to the botanical world as Capsicum. This enchanting fruit had been domesticated in Ecuador for nearly 7,000 years before it was discovered by Europeans in 1492.

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