
Stretch Your Food Dollar!

Not all of these tips may work for you, but considering that we can save up to 25 to 30 percent on our grocery bill if we plan ahead it might be worth giving a try. When one tip becomes a habit, try another and see what difference it makes for you and your family. Good nutrition doesn’t just happen. We need to plan for good foods to keep ourselves and our families healthy.

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Why You Need a Wringer Washer (and How to Use it)

A wringer washer gets clothes clean in a minimum of time, using a minimum of water and a minimum of detergent. You can do a whole family’s laundry in one morning per week, and not even think about it for another week. It gets grungy clothes clean without having to use spot cleaners or pre-washes or soaks or whatever.

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Snowed In?

With everyone getting snow, I feel guilty. It’s warm and sunny here in Colorado – 68 yesterday. Our time will come, though, of

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