Ah, the lazy dog days of summer are here. I love the warm weather and try to take advantage of outdoor activities whenever I can.
Did you ever wonder what the “dog days” means, or where that saying came from? Well, here’s your answer: The ancient Romans called the hottest, most humid days of summer “dies caniculares” or “dog days.” The name came about because they associated the hottest days of summer with the star Sirius. Sirius was known as the “Dog Star” because it was the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major (Large Dog).
If you are looking for some low-key, outdoor events to make the most of the dog days of summer, here are a few suggestions.
1. Get a hammock! We have one in our backyard and while it can be a challenge to get in and out of it gracefully, I love to relax with a good book and an iced tea. If you want to educate yourself while you relax, this is a good read: Prepping 101. The hammock, between two shade trees, is also a great place for an impromptu nap.
2. Go camping, or as I prefer, glamping (camping with a touch of glamour). If a public campground isn’t your thing, set up the tent in the backyard. That way the restrooms are just a few steps away.
3. Cook over the campfire as part of the camping experience. If you don’t have a fire pit in your backyard, you can either purchase one (backyard fire pit grill), or head to your local park. If you are cooking with children, this fishing pole is great fun. The pie iron is also great for making grilled cheese. Or stick to the classics and roast some hog dogs.4. Pack a picnic. Check out our snack selection for some yummy additions to your meal.
5. Visit your local park, zoo or petting farm. Hopefully you will avoid any poison ivy, but if you do have a run in, try this product.
6. Play a friendly competitive game of giant ring toss, horseshoes, or croquet.
7. Visit the beach or pool and just relax. Don’t forget the sunscreen.