DIY: How To Make Cold Process Soap, Step By Step
My great-grandmothers made their own soap. But me? I have the means to go to the store and buy whatever kind of soap I want. Why would I make it at home?
My great-grandmothers made their own soap. But me? I have the means to go to the store and buy whatever kind of soap I want. Why would I make it at home?
Making hand-dipped tapers is one of the oldest ways to make candles, and also the most hands-on. Here’s how I made my own hand-dipped taper candles.
This holiday season, create, satisfy and fulfill your soul, by making gifts by hand… So you can say, “I made this for you.”
Local organic gardener Karen Geiser and her daughter Elizabeth share five, fun ways to arrange fresh-cut fall flowers. Perfect for fall weddings!
Homemade candles are easier than you think! Be sure you have the right tools on hand before you start.
Soapmaking is a win for you and the planet. Here’s how I got started with this habit, er, hobby.
The idea of woodworking can be romantic, interesting, and intimidating all the same. An easy way to venture into this world is by carving your own wooden spoon. Here’s how.
I decided to do what I always do when I want something I either can’t afford or aren’t willing to part with the cash for: make it myself.
It gives me no small amount of pleasure to realize that when it comes to mason jars, I was way cool before anybody else.
Make a Tshirt quilt for a special holiday gift. We have the simple tutorial right here.
Tips and Tools for Homemade Bread
Sourdough Bread for Beginners: What I’ve Learned
Tree Tapping: Advice from a Maple Syrup Expert
How to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Actually Stick
Community Recipes: Christy’s Old-Fashioned Tuna Noodle Casserole
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