Hurry, Hurry! Get Your Catalogs Here!

Our Annual Catalog!

There have been a few posts on our Facebook page lately. Folks are asking how to get our free annual catalog. A few are still available–if you sign up now, you can get your hands on one instead of having to wait for the 2013 edition to come out!

Our founder, Jay Lehman is pictured next to the links you need to sign up for the catalog. Click here to go to the Lehman’s homepage.

Go to, our internet homepage. Scroll waaay down to the bottom right hand corner–look for a picture of our founder, Jay Lehman. Next to him, you’ll see a link list called Resources.

Click the link that works best for you. The plain Catalog Request is for our US customers; the Canadian Catalog Request is for our Canadian customers, and the International Catalog Request covers just about everyone else.

You’ll travel to a new window, in which you’ll enter your mailing information. That’s it! You’ll get this year’s catalog for free.

There is a three-year subscription available too, for a nominal fee. If you want to keep the catalog coming, choose that selection, and pay with a credit card or via phone. (The customer service number is at the bottom of the page.) You’ll receive every single one of our annual AND seasonal catalogs through 2014!

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Linda Ray on Facebook
12 years ago

$7 shipping? I don’t think so

Tiffany Vaughan Rogers on Facebook
12 years ago

Catalogs are free. I love opening my mailbox and having a Lehman’s catalog!! Always brightens our day!!

Lehman's on Facebook
12 years ago

Linda Ray our catalogs are free! Sign up here:

Donna Johnston on Facebook
12 years ago

I love my catalog and browse it often. Someday I’ll have that treadle sewing machine. Someday….

Kathy Burgoyne on Facebook
12 years ago

This catalog is definately my “WISH” book.

Allan Searcy on Facebook
12 years ago

I agree, my “wish book”, too.

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