Green Tomatoes Week: Classic Fried

My grandmother, Fannie Green always made fried green tomatoes for me. These are about as basic as they get. Green tomatoes have a very delicate flavor and can be overwhelmed with other seasonings. I like the plain, simple fried green tomatoes best.


This Lodge Cast Iron Starter Set is available at or Lehman’s in Kidron, Ohio.

Before slicing and flouring tomato, start lard to melt in cast iron skillet. You want 1 to 2 inches of melted lard in which to fry your tomatoes. The lard should be 350°-370°; be sure to check it with your thermometer.

Cut a medium-sized (tennis ball-sized) green tomato into 1/4 inch slices.

Dredge sliced tomatoes through unseasoned flour. Flour both sides equally.

Drop floured slices into pan as you flour them. Don’t allow them to sit, or the flour will get soggy and won’t crisp up when you fry it.

Tasty fried green tomatoes.

Fry until lightly browned, flip and fry other side.

When both sides are lightly browned, remove tomatoes from pan and lay in single layer on paper towel, brown paper or butcher’s paper to drain. While still hot, season with salt and pepper. Serve hot.

Not many made it to the table. We would snitch them off the paper towel as they cooled!

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