I Resolve This year

I haven’t been one much inclined to making New Year resolutions as I tend to forget what they were as the year progresses!  However I resolve that this year will be different and these are goals I want to meet. I will let you know at the end of the year how I did ?

I Resolve . . .

  1. To be kinder and more patient with those with one track minds.
  2. To do volunteer work since I can’t seem to find a paying job. People say I am too old, too slow or don’t know what life is like because it have changed since I was young. Therefore I am unemployable!  Does that mean I missed forty years or more of adult life and have to catch up? I guess experience doesn’t count anymore.
  3. To not procrastinate. I have an awful habit of talking myself into doing things later!
  4. To finish writing a book I have been working on.
  5. To eat less and exercise more. I hate exercise and love to eat!
  6. To embrace life for it is a gift not to left to idle by but to be lived to the fullest. It becomes more precious the older you get.
  7. Not to waste time day dreaming or in idle pursuits. To waste time is to waste your life.
  8. To spend more time with family for all of our benefits.
  9. To each day try to make someone’s life better in some small way.
  10. To more efficiently do my chores at home so to have time to enjoy my surroundings. Work is necessary but everyone needs time to slow down and think and meditate.
  11. To do good to my enemies and not retalliate at those who critisize and attack me. I cannot change others  but only how I choose to react to them.
  12. To pray for guidance every day and give thanks for both blessings and trials.  God always knows what is best for each of us. He is there to help us through life not to save us from experiencing it. He doesn’t cause our problems and trials but will help us learn strength through them and to trust Him.
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