Greetings From Nova Scotia

Spring  is  a day away  and here at Land’s End we are busy as ever. Bill held his garden forum in February and it was very successful, About 50 people both current and new gardeners  gathered together and shared information and experiences. Since then he has attended two  more related events and has been asked to speak at another. Just when  I thought he was slowing down  he is getting busy in a different way.  Although he no longer feels like growing vegetables to sell, he is always willing to share knowledge he has learned.

Our goats have all freshened and Myda , my pet goat , has two cute little does. Myda was estactic as last year we didn’t breed her. She almost drove us crazy blatting when the other goats had babies. Sara had two bucks one which was shaggy like a mountain goat. Rachel had one large buck who arrived with horns popped out and as big  as a three week old kid! No wonder she bellered so when giving birth.All I can say is better her than me although I did feel for her.  Poor Hannah birthed prematurely and her only kid died. It is a sad reality of farm life sometimes.

Our hens hatched last year are laying good and I sell the extra eggs.  That way the little laying mash we have to buy is paid for with egg money. I also have sold enough eggs to buy the occasional bag of goat ration. This way the animals pay their own way.  This is necessary since  neither of us have a paying job right now.The farm must support its self.  I am hoping to have extra produce from the garden to sell at the Farmer’s market this summer also.

Bill had to redesign his sulky two horse mower to suit our one horse Rex. It now has shafts  that replace the pole used with a team. He cut them from hatmatack boards sawed from trees from our woodlot.  As soon as Rex’s iron shoes are re-welded  Bill and Rex will be ready to haul sea weed from the shore. Rex had a sprained ankle and was lame all winter so Bill never got to the woods with him.  Letting Rex rest paid off as he is fine now in time for  Spring work.

While Bill was busy on the farm I went to the city to house and dog sit for almost two weeks. It was fun but I am glad to be back home again. Alone all that time gave me time to think and write and I decided to start a new venture. I now have my own blog on Blogger.  It is titled  Linda Rose -A Frugal Abundant Life .

There I will be posting many things about country life as well  as other things pretaining to living a full abundant life. I found I needed a challenge and believe me this will be a challenge to learn new things at my age! Blogging is a whole new language to me. I will be dropping in from time to time at Country Life to say hello as I put  their link on my blog. Hope to  see you there and have a great day!

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