Rural Themed Demos

Theresa's beeswax demo
Sue Steiner with mural
Sue Steiner with mural

We’ve been busy lining up a whole assortment of educational and interesting arts and crafts demos by Ohio Arts and Crafts Guild members for folks visiting Kidron, Ohio. We are just now heading into the peak of fall foliage as the trees begin to hint at the beautiful display of colors we can expect in the next week or so. As you enjoy the scenery on the drive to the store you can stop in and visit with local artist Dennis Lipp as he paints rural landscapes and local farms as part of his demo.

Last Sat. Theresa of ‘Mind Our Beeswax’ brought along her beeswax and handpainted Christmas ornaments. In the photo you see some of the process Theresa uses to create beautiful, heirloom quality ornaments. We pictured some Lehman’s molds which can be used if you’d like to give this a try at home.

To continue on the ‘bee theme’ for those of you interested in learning more Lehman’s carries beeswax candles, books on beekeeping, honey soap, flavored honey, natural honey comb and the list goes on. Gift baskets filled with soaps and candles made from actual beehive frames built by a local Amish beekeeper can be found in the pantry section of Lehman’s as well.

If you missed Theresa’s beeswax demo she will be at the store again in a couple weeks on Oct. 25th. The events calendar can be views here: or at the ‘Events’ link at the top fo this page.

In our disccusion here of rural themes we’ve talked about the scenery, farms, local small farm industries and now we have to include the feathered and furry aspects of rural life. I will be at Lehman’s most Thurs. with my Equine and Animal Art as I add on to the farm animal murals at Lehman’s. Currently I am painting “Ricco”, a frisky young colt as he looks out of his stall onto the other critters already painted on the walls of the authentic Amish buggy barn. The real life Ricco is an offspring of my mare and my Amish neighbor’s horse in Kidron. Ricco has other equine friends at Lehman’s in the Buggy Barn as I’ve painted a team of life sized Belgians, a draft breed used to work in the fields and known for their size, strength and quiet disposition. Ricco, when grown, would be an example of a ‘surrey’ sized horse which is larger and stronger than the average buggy horse but not as big and bulky as the draft breeds. The Amish have different needs on the farm so the different types of horses reflect the activities they are best suited. Horses are such an intrical part of Amish life so any discussion involving farms, rural life or the Amish would be lacking without some attention to the contribution of the horse to Amish life and our own agricultrual history. A visit to Lehman’s is a unique experience, rich in history and education in a fun interactive way so bring the family! Stop in during my mural painting demonstration to say hi and enjoy the farm animals! To read more about Ricco and my art go to or

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