American Gardens: Mountain Garden GROWS!

Radish and carrot plants.
Radishes and heirloom Dragon Carrots from Lehman’s in Kidron, Ohio, growing thick and fast!

In the foothills of the mountains, between the borders of North Carolina and Tennesee, there’s a nifty little microclimate. In that area, our gardener Kendra is having some great results! She’s sent two updates, one from mid-May, and one from the end of the month.

May 13, 2014:

The radishes and carrots were growing thick, so I harvested the radishes a few days ago to make room for the carrots to grow.

The lettuce is looking gorgeous. I haven’t harvested any yet, but I expect to be able to in the next few days.

Lazy Housewife beans thrive! Heirloom seeds were provided by Lehman's.
Lazy Housewife beans thrive! Heirloom seeds were provided by Lehman’s.

The tomatoes are loving this hot weather, and are looking lovely.

On April 24th I planted the beans. They’re about six or seven inches tall now.

On May 6th I planted the cucumbers, which I’m still waiting on to sprout. So far no problems with pests yet. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Cucumbers growing in garden.
The cukes are sprouting! Get seeds for these Little Potato Cucumber Seeds at Lehman’s in Kidron or at

May 28, 2014

Everything is looking great! We’ve been enjoying the lettuce (cooked and fresh!). The carrots only have a few more weeks before they’re ready for harvest.

The cucumbers are coming up, and seem to be enjoying the chicken bedding we mulched them with. The beans are looking gorgeous, and are climbing the trellis beautifully.

And the tomatoes have little yellow blooms on them. It’s been a great garden year so far!

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