Recent Arts and Crafts Demos

Weaving during a recent Fiber Arts Demo
Weaving during a recent Fiber Arts Demo

 I thought I would share with you some photos of recent Ohio Arts and Crafts Guild demos taking place at Lehman’s in the Buggy Barn.  You can see whats on the schedule for upcoming demos here: 

 We’ve been getting together a talented group of local artists to share with you the work of their hands and knowledge of their craft during these demos or to just share ideas to inspire each other.   From participating in  demos the last couple years at Lehmans I think the most pleasant part about it is to hear from visitors to the store what they make or create.  You are a creative bunch so thank you for your interest and appreciation.     I’ll be in this Friday to add to the farm animal murals so stop in and say hi!           

Pottery Demo
Pottery Demo
Hand Tools from Fiber Arts Demo
Hand Tools from Fiber Arts Demo









Equine Art and Farm Animal Mural by Sue Steiner
Equine Art and Farm Animal Mural by Sue Steiner
Wool Rug Hooking Demo
Wool Rug Hooking Demo









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