Severe Weather Safety Tips

After a very stormy and snowy winter, I am not alone to want spring to come – but with the milder weather can come severe weather.  Some can bring very dangerous winds, flooding and even tornadoes.

With some proper planning we can protect our families and property.

Prior to the Storm
1. Develop a plan for you and your family for at home, work and school.
2. Have frequent drills on the plan.
3. Know the community you live in, and identify shelters in your area.
4. Purchase a NOAA Weather Radio with a warning tone and battery back-up for weather warnings.

Make a Disaster Kit
A disaster kit at a minimum should include the following:
– A three day supply of water and food that will not spoil.
– One change of clothes with footwear per person.
– A blanket per person.
– A first aid kit.
– Portable radio, flashlight and batteries.
– Cash and credit cards.
– Special items, which may be necessary in an emergency – medicine, hygiene items, etc.

Weather Watches and Warnings:
– A severe weather watch means conditions are favorable for severe weather.

– A severe weather warning means that severe weather is imminent.

– If a warning has been issued, take cover in a basement or the center of your home or office. Stay away from windows. Have a Disaster Kit on hand.

Stay safe and be ready for emergencies this Spring!

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James Leon Mahan
James Leon Mahan
13 years ago

I just removed most of the electric wire from my house it is a good feeling. The hard part will be going in the attic and removing all of the loose wires.

Susan Weber
13 years ago

My electric kitchen stove recently died and I decided to not replace it right away because it is to hard to get large appliances inand out in the dead of winter. I mostly wanted to see the electric bill difference. I got my new bill today. it was $48.00!! In the past it was $115.00-$130.00 per month!! I was amazed and am not putting an electric stove back in. I had no idea it ate taht much power…

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