Springtime Fun: 10 Ways to Enjoy the Season

Springtime has always been my absolute favorite time of year. Maybe it’s the way that spring marks the end of the long, cold season in Ohio that makes me love it so much. Or maybe, it’s because I celebrate my birthday in May, so springtime is always filled with excitement and joy for me. Or, maybe, it’s how all the woodland animals have their babies in the spring, so I always see tiny ducklings, goslings, bunnies, deer, and raccoons. Mostly likely, it’s all of these reasons combined!

I love spring more than any other time of year. Here are some of my favorite things to do from April until June!

1. Go on a sprout walk.
This means choosing a nice, sunny day, and taking a walk in the woods, a trail, or just your backward. Look for every sign of new spring life you can see! Sprouts, flowers, buds on trees, anything that shows you that spring is on its way.

2. Enjoy a hike.
Take advantage of the just-right temperatures of spring and go on a hike. It doesn’t have to be a long one – just get out in nature and walk a bit. It will feel great to get some fresh air and sunshine after the long winter, and it’s early enough that the blazing heat of the summer hasn’t set in yet.

3. Tidy up.
Spring cleaning really does feel great. It’s so nice to dedicate some time to cleaning out your space and really making it into a welcoming, de-cluttered area for the upcoming summer.

4. Start your garden.
Late March and early April tend to be the best times to plant vegetable seedlings indoors, so that by the time it’s warm enough outside to plant your seedlings in the garden, they are sturdy and ready to go!

5. Have a picnic in the park!
This is one of my all time favorite ways to welcome in the new, warmer season. I pick a nice and sunny day, pack our favorite foods in a wicker basket, and find a picnic table at a serene spot in a park

6. Visit a duck pond!ducksOkay, I lied… this is my favorite way to celebrate spring! I love going to ponds that ducks and geese call home, bringing them some healthy snacks, and spending hours in the park with my feathered friends.

7. Visit a farm to see the baby animals.
The season for baby animals is coming, and it won’t last long, so see as many cute baby cows, sheep, goats, pigs, rabbits, etc as you can!

8. Go to the beach.
This might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the earlier spring months in Ohio, but spring can be one of the most fun times to go to a beach. The summer crowd won’t be there yet, so you’ll probably have all that beautiful space to yourself.

9. Look for four-leaf clovers.
If you find some, you can press them between books to dry them out and keep them forever!

10. Sit outside, somewhere you can keep dry, during a rain shower.
The sound alone is so relaxing, and the sight of a steady rainfall can be so soothing. You might even spot a rainbow!

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Beth Catt
Beth Catt
2 years ago

I remember doing the same things with my mother when I was a child, we even made a tent in the backyard with a old holey blanket my mother gave us to play with, we even used it in the summer to have a picnic so we weren’t in the hot sun when it was really hot

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