My father’s garden was his passion, and it was a year-round one. By December he would have all his seeds ordered, and every day for a couple of weeks there would be boxes and envelopes in or by the mail boxes.
While he waited for their arrival there were many things “behind the scenes” to get ready. The large garden had to be plowed and tilled. His “Plant Room” as he called it (this room was downstairs off the finished basement), had to be prepared. The table the plants would be set on, was 2 ft x 4 ft and had been scrubbed spotless. All his growing lights were set to the correct heights, replacing bulbs if needed. Once the room was complete to his specifications, he would start planting seeds into their peat pots. Each and every day he would check them, watering when needed and adjusting the light height as they sprouted and grew.

When the plants were tall and strong he would tart to harden them off in his garage, then moving them outside during the days, carried in at night. Once he was sure they were ready, he would start the planting of the cold weather crops that he had prepared, in nearly every variety they could ever come in. This is while he was still caring for the multitude of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and myriad other plants that enjoyed warmer weather.
When Daddy suddenly passed in 2011,

he was unhooking his rototiller from his tractor. Beautifully, his garden was all ready for us to carry on. In his “Plant Room” as well as garage were hundreds of plants awaiting our love and attention. Daddy always started enough to supply the entire family with plants for their gardens.
Each year the family and I prepare the earth and plant the garden he loved so much. Always it will bring memories of his passion and love for me and his family. I will always miss him.