Easy Peasy Apple Pie (Apple Betty)

This recipe is so easy, I don’t even use a recipe!  If you are hankering for an apple pie, and perhaps have an abundance of apples on your property, this is the dessert for you!

A couple picking apples in an apple orchard

Thinly slice and peel four or five apples (your choice but I typically use Macintosh), to fill the base of a pie pan.  Mix granola, cider, butter and cinnamon to taste – here are some suggestions if you would prefer to use a traditional recipe:

Mix one cup of apple cider, three tablespoons of brown sugar, one teaspoon of vanilla extract, two tablespoons of cinnamon and two tablespoons of butter (melted). 

Stir together three cups of granola and cover the apples.  

You can also add some chopped walnut or pecans for an extra crunch. If you like a gooey texture, you can also make a slurry with cornstarch and water, which will thicken the ingredients.

Bake at 350 for about 30 minutes. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream.

We aren’t sure why it’s called a Betty.   This is a traditional American dessert made from fruit, usually apples (this variant is known as Apple Betty), but also you could also use berries or peaches.  Instead of granola, some recipes call for crumbled graham crackers and applesauce instead of sliced apples. Similar to a cobbler or apple crisp, the fruit is baked, and, in this case, the sweetened crumbs are placed in layers between the fruit.  

The dish was first mentioned in print in 1864, so it has been around a long time.  Find everything you need for baking here.

Apple Brown Betty was one of the favorite desserts of Ronald and Nancy Reagan while they lived in the White House.

Make a plan to visit an orchard and pick some apples or visit your local farmer’s market and whip up this yummy dessert.  Hey, if it’s fruit and granola, doesn’t that count as breakfast, too?

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Easy Peasy Apple Pie (Apple Betty)

Easy Peasy Apple Pie (Apple Betty)


Units Scale
  • 1 cup of apple cider
  • 2 tablespoons of brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoons of cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons of butter (melted)
  • 3 cups of granola
  • 45 apples, peeled and sliced
  • Optional: chopped walnuts or pecans


  1. In a bowl, mix apple cider, brown sugar, vanilla extract, cinnamon and butter (melted). Put sliced apples in a 9″ casserole dish or deep pie pan.
  2. Stir in granola in the bowl and pour mixture over the apples in the dish, covering the apples.  
  3. You can also add some chopped walnut or pecans for an extra crunch. Bake at 350 for about 30 minutes. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream.


If you like a gooey texture, you can also make a slurry with cornstarch and water, which will thicken the ingredients. You can also add in berries.

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