Don’t Let An Early Morning Emergency Get Your Goat!

This engaging story was written by Judith’s daughter, Brigit IMG_0664Brown, age 10.

For some people, certain kinds of music and singing will calm them, ease them, and, for some, even guides them back to faith. Well, I personally have found this is the same for animals. On several occasions I have been able to form a bond with animals through singing. The most recent time was when an unexpected guest invited himself for breakfast!

On the morning of November 4, I went out to feed the animals before getting on the bus. Like always. But this day turned into an adventure. One of the horses was going crazy.

“Why?” I wondered to myself. I went into the barn and got some grain. Then I heard the bleat of goat.

“Why is she acting weird around our goats? She knows them.”

But then I turned to face Mr. Dunn’s yard I saw it. A Billy goat with flashing red eyes, huge horns, and that look that told me he wanted something. Just then my mom came to the barnyard.

“Mom,” I yelled, “It’s a goat with red eyes.”

As I turned around the Billy was running toward our 31-year-old horse. He chased Brandy around her pen.

“Maybe we should let her out,” my mom suggested. We opened the gate, but the goat continued to chase Brandy. I picked up a stick to chase the goat. Then he went after the horse and donkey.

“OK,” Mom said, “Brigit, stay out here and protect the horses. I’ll try to find some help.”

“Mom, no!” I cried. “I don’t want him to attack me!”

So I went into the house and made a couple of phone calls to people I thought would have an idea on how to keep him away from our animals. Nothing! I went out to the barnyard to tell Mom. She wanted to call other people. That’s when I decided I wasn’t going to fear a goat even if he had the biggest horns in the universe!

The goat ran over to Mr. Dunn’s yard to steal alfalfa from the horse in there. It kept glancing at me as if he wanted something. I climbed through the fence and started to sing to Billy.  What else could I do? I could sense his fear, and he could sense mine.

I sang…

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see——-

I stopped. The red color in his eye had faded into a light tan. I held a leash in my hand, but I decided to keep it hidden. All of a sudden Mom came behind me, and told me to be careful. “Billy goats can be dangerous.”

Though my mom was there, his eyes stayed light tan. They even darkened in brown color. I told Mom not to worry. I approached him. He took a few steps back and went behind a feeding trough. I started singing again and he stopped. I set hay down by his mouth. Quickly, I snapped the lead line onto his collar.

Mom and I took him along the fence. Mom told me Jurgen (my step daddy) found his owner. By the time we got Billy to the front of the yard his owner was there.

Wow, what a morning!!!  AND I WAS LATE FOR SCHOOL!!! That was a TREAT!!!

I’ve decided that goat can come for breakfast any time. He can order the buffet and stay for a horn and belly rub. Just don’t tell the old horse. (Not even my mom.) I would be grounded for ETERNITY!!!

IMG_0391About the Author: Brigit Brown is 10, going on 20! The animals that reside at Sagging Acres Farm are there because Brigit begged for them!

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New Mexico homesteader Judith Costello returns with another engaging tale of her often spirited, sometimes confused, but always entertaining livestock.

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