Greetings From Nova Scotia

I am back here again at the town library sooner than I had planned. My life never goes the way I think it will.

Bill has been cutting Blue Joint grass in the fields along the ocean shore for straw bedding. It is free and makes excellent bedding for the goats. We had a hard frost so he can bring in the turnips and all the garden will be out and stored for winter. Almost all the wood is also under cover now too. The nights turned cold dipping below freezing. Now today has warmed up. So we have to be prepared for anything. If it is a cold winter we are ready and if it is mild we will have left over wood for next winter.

I had planned to be busy piecing a quilt by now. Instead I have been chasing around town looking for a 3/4 size mattress for our bed. Our foam mattress was thirty years old. It lay on a piece of plywood on the same bed Bill’s great grandparents, grandparents ,parents and we have slept in for thirty years! In the end we had to order a mattress special made as the bed is narrower and shorter than a double bed.

All was fine when the mattress came.We took off the old and put on the new and I made up the bed. Bill went to bed before me as I was busy with some things upstairs. When I came down about eleven he was groaning telling me this new mattress was like sleeping on cement! I tried it and when we were sold a firm mattress it meant “FIRM”. It has no give at all!

Another hour of contorting to find a comfort spot we gave up and slept upstairs in the spare room on another 3/4 bed. However this one has a definite sag in the middle.The middle suits me fine if sleeping alone. But with two people in bed we both rolled to the center and were bumped together like two logs caught in a jam. Enough of that and I retreated to the living room recliner. Bill needs a firm bed and needless to say he awoke more tired than when he went to bed.

The next night we pilled our old mattress on top of the new cement one and slept relatively sound. Today in town all I could find was a two inch part Memory foam to cover the cement bed and hope that will make it agreeable to my need for a cushion and Bill’s need for a rock to sleep on. The problem is ready made mattress are too wide and too long for our bed. A boughten 3/4 mattress ; when you can find them; are 48″ wide. That fits but they forgot to shorten the length from 74″ to 71″ as 3/4 beds are shorter than double beds. Our bed room is only 9×10 feet so we rerally didn’t want a bigger bed taking up more space. So tonight we will once again tear our bed apart and try the Memory foam over the cement foam and hope we like it.

That problem on hold I was making my way to the Community Kitchen about 12:30pm. The Knights of Columbus serve up a free lunch every Tuesday for anyone who cares to come. The cook is retired from the Blue Nose Ship as cook and makes the most tasty soup one can find any where. Soup, a variety of sandwiches, cookie ansd tea or juice is the fare. It is a gathering place to visit friends and have a meal. Many school kids also eat there.

I was just crossing the corner to enter the building when noticing a group of youths both male and ffemale in the street. Two big guys jumped a smaller guy and started beating and kicking him. I instinctivly yelled at them to stop as I ran towards them. Just then a big burly guy on a motorcycle also stopped to intervene. The youths ignored me but threatened him. When he started to alight from his bike the bullies ran. The other kids gathered around the smaller boy who thanked us for interveneing. All I could think of why a group of twenty kids would stand there while someone got beat up? What is wrong with some young people today? It all happened so fast there was no time to call the police.

There are so many good young people but there are also too many who cause trouble or stand by as others get hurt. Someone said to me what was I intending to do if the motorcycle guy hadn’t come along when he did? I really didn’t think about it until afterwards. But there was no way I was going to be spectator to a beating. This Grammy will be carrying a cane from now on in town. The next time a bully pounces they may have a crack on the backside where if their parents had administered a whack or two they may not have thought it alright to beat on smaller kids.

The bottom line is I am thankful for burly motorcyle guys who look more threatening than punk bully kids. Who knows, maybe he was an angel in disguise as he appeared out of no where just when he was needed.

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