A Season For All Things With a One Track Mind

Greetings from Land’s End! Friday January 2nd. the wind calmed down. The sun shone brightly . Bill and Molly were glad to be outside. I also took my little Yorkie , Lucky, out for a walk. It was a beautiful winter day. Then in the night it warmed up and rained washing away the snow. The next day Saturday the temperature began its downward descent. The weather continues to flip flop between extremes of warm and cold here. With a return to fridged temperatures and high winds Bill is back in the house again. There is a season for all things and winter is the time to work inside where it is warm. If winter projects don’t get finished before Spring they are put off until the next year.

We started with decluttering by sifting through piles of paper, magazines and books discarding what we don’t want to recycling bags. Then we went through the filing cabinets. We each have our own to declutter but for some reason mine is more of a mess than Bill’s!

That done, Bill has turned his attention to planning a gardening seminar. He held one two years ago and it was very well attended. The idea is for gardeners to get together and share information. Hopefully questions will be asked and answered that benefit many people. Late January is the time preferred for the seminar before everyone gets busy with other things. As well as informative it a fun social gathering. It does take quite a lot of planning and gathering of information to be successful.

For our own garden we are trying to decide  how much to plant. At least I am thinking about it. Bill is focused on the seminar right now. We don’t need alot for ourselves but like to have enough to share with others. We are also getting more requests for a market garden this year. Bill had cut back planting the past few years. He was tired of fighting the weather and doing so much work for so little return financially. We had continued selling rhubarb, garlic, eggs and chevon [goat meat] making enough to pay property taxes and farn expenses.  Other than that he stopped selling and seeded down more of the garden.

Yarmouth now has a summer Farmer’s Market which is becoming well known. With a sliding economy local produce is becomming more popular. So we are considering giving the market garden a try again. There is still eratic weather to contend with. Maybe the answer is a bigger green house where weather can be controlled.

Bill was quite happy to discuss gardening, even when I interrupted what he was working on, but that changed when I wanted to discuss what work we would do on the house this winter?  Our house is an on going project  making slow progress over the years. It is Bill’s least favorite work to do. With insulation waiting I am anxious  to replace the cracked living room wall and ceiling. After all we will be warmer  and use less wood when it is fixed.

However my husband informed me he has a one track mind and can only give his attention to any one thing at a time! Right now it is planning the gardening  seminar. Then we have to plan our garden. After that it will be time to haul rock weed and go to the woods to cut next year`s fire wood.

“Wait a minute!” says I. “I didn’t hear you say anything about house repairs”!

“Remember my one track mind.”he says. “We will discuss the house later. Right now my mind is on seeds.” I was left wondering if the time would ever come to focus on the house?

“How did you ever get this far in life with a one track mind?” I retorted exasperated.  Perplexed, looking up from what he was focussed on he replies, ” I don’t know dear. But aren’t you glad I only think about one woman at a time?”

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