Backstage at Lehmans: Shelley’s Favorite Pumpkin Flavor In A “Brownie”!

Shelley at her desk in Lehman's creative department.
Shelley at her desk in Lehman’s Dalton office.

If you’re a regular reader of Country Life, you’ll know that Shelley Salsburey, part of our merchandising team, is a big fan of pumpkin. (We always have pumpkin treats in the office for her October birthday!)

Recently, she came across a new-to-her recipe for Harvest Pumpkin Brownies. And it sounded so good, I went right into the kitchen to make it! It’s a perfect treat, and it goes together so quickly. It’s ideal when you need a goodie for an impromptu get-together.

This recipe’s prep is super easy. The pumpkin that makes the brownies moist also makes the batter easy to mix. So using just a big mixing bowl, a wooden spoon and a whisk, the batter was ready in no time!Then, the batter poured smoothly into our Rectangular Cake Pan–at 9”x13”, it’s a little different in proportion than the pan suggested in the recipe. (It’s OK, though, because the cake-like texture of the pumpkin brownies made in this pan is so tasty!) If you like your brownies a little thinner, try a jelly roll pan. Watch brownies carefully to avoid overbaking.

Although the recipe suggested a cream cheese-based icing, I went with a standard shortening and powdered sugar frosting, with a bit of cinnamon thrown in for flavor, because I took these goodies to a fall bonfire. I didn’t want to worry about keeping them cold during the party.

Our Favorite Soft Cheese Knife at
Our Favorite Soft Cheese Knife! The stepped blade cuts soft foods easily. At Lehman’s in Kidron, Ohio and at

I didn’t even ice them completely–I just sliced them up in the pan with Our Favorite Soft Cheese Knife. The plastic knife won’t harm the pan’s non-stick interior, and it whizzed through the moist cake!

Then, I used a piping bag and a star tip to pipe a big star onto each brownie. A little aluminum foil to cover the pan, and off I went.

Can’t wait to make these for Thanksgiving. They’re a great alternative to pies, and travel well.


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