Submit Recipes Now For 60th Anniversary Cookbook

Lehman's 55th Anniversary Cookbook
Our 55th Anniversary cookbook is now out of stock.
Be a part of our history, and contribute to our 60th Anniversary Cookbook!

Lehman’s will be celebrating our 60th Anniversary in 2015. As with our 55th anniversary, we’re putting a cookbook together. This time around, we’re collecting recipes from both Lehman’s employees and customers.

We’re searching for those crowd favorites, family heirlooms and those recipes that you just love to make. Old-fashioned, new tastes: we’re looking for it all. Even gluten-free!

Recipe categories include:

·         Appetizers, Beverages & Dips
·         Breads & Rolls
·         Cookies & Candy
·         Desserts
·         Gluten Free
·         Main Dishes
·         Miscellaneous
·         Slow Cooker
·         Soup & Salads
·         Vegetables & Side Dishes
·         5 Ingredients or Less

We will select at least 100 recipes from those submitted by customers to be printed in the book. From those selected recipes, 10 lucky customers will receive a FREE cookbook as a thank you for contributing. Those cookbooks will be autographed by Jay Lehman, our founder; Lehman’s president, Galen Lehman, and Glenda Lehman Ervin, vice-president of marketing.

If chosen, your name will be printed with your recipe. Submissions must be received by September 8, 2014.

Click here to submit your recipe.

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