Thinking of Everyone Affected by the Hurricanes

We are thinking and praying for all the people affected by the hurricanes. Please review the tips and links in this article – our desire is to provide helpful information during this difficult time. God bless you all.

–Your friends at Lehman’s








1. Keep documents dry in dishwasher. If you’re needing to keep paper documents dry, the dishwasher can serve as a waterproof safe during an emergency storm.

2. Fill the bathtub with water before the storm. If you lose your running water, you can use the water from the bathtub to flush waste down the toilet.

3. Refill all necessary prescriptions in case the pharmacies are closed for several days.

4. Clean drinking water is a must. Stock up on bottled water and buy a water filter.

5. Stock your pantry. Store shelves will likely empty quickly.

6. Have a means to get the news. If your phone is dead and you have no power, you don’t know what’s happening.

emergency radio and flashlight

7. Turn refrigerator to coldest setting and crank the air conditioner. Power outage is very common with these strong storms, so make sure to keep things as cold as possible before the storm so it can remain cooler for longer.

8. Stock up on cash. When the power goes out, ATMs and card readers will be useless. Take out enough cash for 7 days to make sure you can purchase necessary items. Try to have a mix of small and large bills.

9. Buy plenty of gas. Gas could be hard to come by leading up to the storm. Buy as much gas as you think you’ll need for the next week.

10. Charge electronic devices. Charge all of your phones, tablets and laptops before the hurricane makes landfall. Look into purchasing portable battery chargers so you can keep your electronics going much longer than one traditional charge. Buy extra batteries for flashlights and other household electronics.

11. Do laundry. Clean as many clothes as you can before the storm. You never know how long it could be before you’re able to do another load of laundry.

12. Freeze water balloons and water bottles. You can never have enough ice during a hurricane. Fill up water balloons and deep freeze them before the storm. They don’t melt as fast and its messy-free. You can also stock pile ice bags or freeze 2-liter bottles with water, so they can help keep your food colder for longer.

13. Have non-electric lighting on hand. Being in the dark with no power can be frightening. This one actually cooks your food AND lights your room.Rayo lantern cooker



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