Where in the World is Lehman’s Own Laundry Hand Washer with Wringer?

Laundry Area in Haiti
Laundry Area in Haiti

This great picture landed in our reviews e-mailbox a few days ago. It’s a picture of the laundry area at a Haiti orphanage. In the foreground, you can see the waiting-to-be-assembled Lehman’s Own Laundry Hand Washer.

We’re thrilled that our simple product can be helpful to these folks. As you can see, their laundry area is pretty bare bones, consisting of large totes, giant bowls, and a garden hose.

An orphanage employee also contributed an enthusiastic review, noting that a second Laundry Hand Washer has been purchased and is on the way to the orphanage.

The two Laundry Hand Washers mean that the orphanage child care staff won’t have to scrub on their hands and knees, as the woman in the back right corner of the photo is doing. The Laundry Hand Washers will give the child care staff more time to spend with the children in their care.

Update! Two new photos arrived on September 29, showing the washers assembled and in use, with the staff showing the children how the washers work.

Lehman's Own Hand Washer in operation.
Loading the Lehman’s Own Hand Washer.
Lehman's Own Hand Washein action
Laundry underway, in the Hand Washer. And everyone looks pleased by the prospect.
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