Homemade Butter: You Can Be A Homesteader!


The tomatoes have long ago been canned, or maybe you just ate them fresh. Last autumn’s onions, garlic, root vegetables and squash have been happily sitting in your root cellar, or even on your kitchen shelf, for months.

Perhaps you had the courage and the time to try your hand at fermentation. Perhaps last summer was a time of simply enjoying what was available, spending time with kids or family outdoors, and avoiding all things Hot and Sticky in the kitchen.

No matter the case, there is good news. You can make your own butter from a jar of milk anytime of year. Your children can help! For all the homesteading projects we simply never get to, here is one that can be tried whenever you feel inspired. What’s more, it need not sit in a crock for weeks!

All you need is an arm to shake, shake, shake the jar (the old fashioned way), a Lehman’s butter churn, or a stand mixer / beaters to do the agitating for you (the modern, not-less-legitimate way, but one which requires electricity).


glass pint jar and lid
arm to shake or Lehman’s butter churn (for a bigger batch)

whole, non-homogenized cow milk

The key to making butter from milk is to have whole milk with a separated cream line, a.k.a. non-homogenized whole milk. That thick cap of cream that you find on top of the milk is butterfat, and it’s what you want to scoop off when it comes time to make butter. Alternatively, you can use heavy whipping cream from the store, but where’s the fun in that?


Using this method—with just the cream from atop a jar of milk—will derive a very small amount of butter. But any butter is better than no butter, yes? It will be enough to butter a few pieces of toast or fry a big skillet of eggs. It might not yield much, but eggs will never taste so good as in golden butter you worked for yourself.

There is no match for the satisfaction from honest, hard work. And shaking butter this long is hard. You will think it is not working. Tiny fat globules will start to form in the milk jar—that’s chemistry at work!—but the globules won’t look like butter and you will think it is not working. Tell yourself that it’s working because it is working. Pardon the obviousness, but hard work is never easy.


Shake, shake, shake or churn, churn, churn (respectively) and eventually, golden butter will appear. Your jar will contain butter and viscous-looking milk, which is—tada!—buttermilk. If the transformative and healthful properties of milk were not enough, churning butter is a beautiful example of nature’s bounty.

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Debra Stone
Debra Stone
2 years ago

Great information. Loved the article

Cathy Jay
Cathy Jay
2 years ago

Whomever writes your articles is a genius! Butter making never sounded so interesting! And yummy!

Patricia B.
2 years ago

I think this will be a wonderful project for my 5 yr. old Grandson!

Julie Safarik
Julie Safarik
2 years ago

This is how we did it when I was a kid! My Mom & Dad had 8 children & one would shake the jar until their arm ached & then hand it to another, & so on. Sooooooo good & butter is still one of my most favorite things to eat!

Grannie's favorite
Grannie's favorite
2 years ago

This was great. I’d like to add: if you want longer lasting, and old-fashioned tasting, butter you’ll need to let the cream sour a bit before churning. I have nostalgia for the days when my Grannie made butter at least once a week all spring – when the milk cow was eating the fresh spring grasses and producing loads of golden cream. She’d put a quart of it in a pottery pitcher on the counter, cover it with cheesecloth and let it sit for a few days before churning. It would be good and sour when she poured it into the churn, but once churned and salted it produced the most wonderful butter I’ve ever tasted. Plus the buttermilk off that churning was wonderfully tart and refreshing – very much like kefir. Fresh cream butter doesn’t have the longevity of soured cream butter, nor the flavor. There’s nothing better on fresh bread!

Charlie Miller
1 year ago

How much salt do you use in a pint of cream and when do you add it to the mixture

Wendy VanHeel
Wendy VanHeel
1 year ago

Thank you for reminding me that some of the things I need to teach myself are not complicated.

Last edited 1 year ago by Wendy VanHeel
1 year ago

I made some and it was tart and sour. I learned that riding in ice water helped finish it right.

1 year ago

Rinsing in cold water. Sorry

Brigitte Youngblood
Brigitte Youngblood
1 year ago

Now I need to know about clotted cream. I’ve been told it was easy but my attempt with raw milk choked.

Gwen’s Cell
Gwen’s Cell
1 year ago

I’m a retired kindergarten teacher and every Thanksgiving my students took turns shaking the jar of cream until butter appeared. They never ceased to be amazed that they actually contributed to a delicious product they shared at our feast. SO yummy!!

1 year ago

Where can you buy raw non homogenized milk in Holmes county?

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