A Quick Guide to Edible Flowers

Have you eaten flowers before? Not everyone is brave enough to take a bite of a beautiful bloom, but once you start, it can be such fun! Edible flowers are a quick way to transform an ordinary salad into a gourmet salad, a plain meal into a fancy restaurant dish or an ordinary cupcake into an extra special dessert. Before you start nibbling from your flowerbed, here are a few important pointers.

There are an abundance of edible flowers that can be easily grown in the garden alongside your veggies. Some of our favorites in spring are johnny jump ups (anything in the viola/pansy family is edible), chive blossoms, calendula petals and Dwarf Gray sugar pea blossoms. When our overwintered cabbage family plants like kale, arugula and broccoli send up flowers, they are all delightfully tangy. Many herbs such as cilantro, oregano and dill have flowers that can be consumed and taste faintly of the mother plant. In summer, spicy nasturtium flowers and sweet blue borage flowers are great for cheering up a salad and daylily blooms can be munched plain in the garden, almost like potato chips. Later in the season, we add garlic chive florets to main dishes or salad and red pineapple sage blooms to desserts like ice cream.

Flowers that are more savory and spicy pair well with salads, appetizers like deviled eggs or to dress up a rice dish. Blossoms with a more mild flavor can accent a dessert, like borage, violas and calendula petals on cupcakes or on the top of a layer cake. Appetizers involving a cream cheese spread on crackers or stuffed mini peppers can be sprinkled with a confetti of multi color edible petals. You can even freeze your flowers into ice cubes by freezing a half full ice cube tray and then add the blooms, cover with water and freeze again. All these flowery options are great for making an extra special impact for a ladies luncheon, bridal or baby shower or a wedding reception.

If you are collecting the blooms yourself, it is important to collect from unsprayed plants and to be confident in proper plant identification since some flowers are toxic. I was always careful to teach my preschoolers to ask before eating flowers and it was common to see them munching pansies and borage right out in the garden. Collect flowers in the cool of the morning after the dew has dried and most can be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed container for a couple days before using.

So go enjoy some summer goodies and sprinkle on some edible blooms for a treat!

Note: Not all flowers are edible. Make sure you use a trusted resource for proper plant identification before eating flowers.


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Ursula Haigh
Ursula Haigh
2 years ago

Thank you for the timely reminder! Another use for God’s Glorious Bounty!

2 years ago

Do you have some type of booklet or even a book that has all edible flowers with pictures in it to use to identify?

Carol Hay
Carol Hay
2 years ago

I live in the high desert of Nevada. Don’t see much of anything here to eat! Sage brush and bush grass is about it lol. Not even a cactus. Any suggestions?

2 years ago

This looks amazing. I’m with Michelle who asked about a booklet with photos! I recently saw a photo of a cookie with a pansy on top. Please let us know about a booklet. Thanks for posting!!

2 years ago

I would also love a booklet with pictures and descriptions.

1 year ago

We grow edible flowers in our garden every year. You can buy packets of seeds for edible flowers from several growers, including American Meadows, and they also have fall-blooming saffron crocus bulbs, so you can grow your own saffron! Marigold flowers are spicy and edible, as well! There are also some edible orchids, as I have been served them in restaurants!

1 year ago

I love edible flowers and these photos are absolutely gorgeous! Just the inspiration I needed today.

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