Back-to-School Tips and Traditions

Back. To. School.

The combination of those three words can evoke a multitude of emotions. Dread at the thought of early mornings and long hours in the classroom. Excitement at the purchase of new school clothes and seeing friends daily. Nervousness embarking on a new year with a different teacher, grade level and peers. As parents, part of our journey is to help make the transition easier – and attempt to keep our sanity along the way!

My daughters, now 10 and 11, like to pack their lunches for school. On one hand, it means more prep for me and more time in the mornings, but we’ve developed some great traditions over the years. I’m always looking for ways to make lunches more fun for our daughters. One thing my girls enjoy is when we use cookie cutters to cut their sandwiches into fun shapes. During the fall, we use the Autumn Cookie Cutter Set, in shapes such as pumpkins, leaves and squirrels.pumpkin shaped sandwiches

It is a simple way to take the mundane and make it a bit more fun! Another great item to use for school lunch prep is the Apple Express Peeler. My girls love that they can easily peel and slice their apples for school themselves.

While it’s easy to get caught up in the busy structure of the school day, it’s important to take some time after school for some downtime. The weather is warm, the lightening bugs are still out, and as it slowly turns to fall, it’s a great time to spend time outdoors, especially when there is so much time now spent inside at school. We try to unwind by playing a game in the yard or enjoying a s’more by the fire.

As we all know, those first few weeks back to school can be tiring for the entire family! After a summer filled with late nights far past the normal bedtime and days spent swimming or active in the sun, it can be hard to get back into the routine of early mornings and sitting so much. There are so many things vying for our attention, like homework, practices, and work. This is when it becomes even more important to be intentional about carving out that time to recharge – for both you and your family.

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