Building a Simple Pole Shed
Pole barns or sheds are simple structures ideal for agricultural purposes, but can be useful on rural homesteads and even suburban lots. These
Pole barns or sheds are simple structures ideal for agricultural purposes, but can be useful on rural homesteads and even suburban lots. These
The snow lies deep in the back pasture. The wind whines sharply between the branches of the pine trees and the days remain painfully
Add a garden journal as one of your garden tools and help your garden become an “all you can reap buffet.”
The Amish aren’t doing it for fun. It is their way of life, and we are privileged to observe. Much can be learned from them.
More and more Amish are forced to work “off the farm” or move away with their families in search of their livelihood. But a local organic Amish co-op sees change on the horizon – great change.
It’s really lovely what a sharp tool will do — a girl can just drag a furrowing hoe through freshly tilled soil as if she’s a tractor or something, opening up a nice even furrow.
Editor’s Note: Hannah will be using Lehman’s products and blogging about them in the coming months. Who better to field test our gardening, farming and
Plant together, harvest together, and eat together. Pretty rare these days. But so worth it.
I’m a beginning farmer—about to start my third season growing vegetables for most of my income—and I still have to think hard about
Farmer Hannah is in the middle of growing season, and her European-style Grape Hoe is indispensable!
Tips and Tools for Homemade Bread
Sourdough Bread for Beginners: What I’ve Learned
Tree Tapping: Advice from a Maple Syrup Expert
How to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Actually Stick
Community Recipes: Christy’s Old-Fashioned Tuna Noodle Casserole
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