Duck update – Dad and the eggs

In the earlier post you may have read about the duck outside Lehman’s office. A Mallard duck has set up residence under a bush near the building. I am glad to report that she is doing fine, and she was even nice enough today to show me her eggs, we count either ten or eleven. She didn’t seem to mind me taking pictures of them until I got too close. Then she started quacking and waddling toward the nest from the opposite direction.


Saw the male duck recently, too.  He is a bit more camera shy and wouldn’t let me get very close to him. I did get some nice shots of him in flight. The male does hang around but seems to stay away from the nest. (Sorry for the poor quality pictures.)







We are still working on naming these two ducks, some ideas that have been thrown around are Donald and Daffy, Luke and Leia, and Ward and June.  Anybody have more ideas?

According to some research it will take about 28 days for the eggs to hatch. We assume the eggs were laid over this past weekend, so that would make hatching day on or about May 17th, 2008.

We also discovered a robin’s nest in one of the bushes right outside our front office door. Seems nearly every time somebody walks out the door, a bird flies furiously away and takes a year off the startled person’s life. Spring has definitely sprung around northeast Ohio – and the birds certainly seem to love our building!

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Patty MorningRamble
16 years ago

Spring time is an amazing time to watch birds. We have a busy little house wren who is determined to build a nest in my husbands slacks as they hang on the line to dry. I have finally started hanging them from the legs and not the waist. My husband was not willing to surrender his slacks to a family of wrens.
The little house wren has since set up housekeeping in the clothspin bag and no one has kicked her out

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