Gluten-Free Peach Cake Cooks Up in Cast Iron

Peach Upside Down Cake in Cast Iron Pan

This is my gluten-free peach cake recipe. I’ve changed many of the ingredients from the original recipe to suit me! For instance, I don’t use butter, I use honey and yogurt, and I bake it off in a cast iron skillet. I think my version is healthier, and (after trying the original) tastier!

Now that peaches are in season all over this a perfect time to give this cake a try. If you cook for gluten-intolerant folks, it’s a natural, but I’ve found that nearly everyone loves this peach cake.

Skillet Peach Upside Down Cake

I am writing this as a GLUTEN FREE recipe. I am assuming that if you need to have a gluten free diet that you know to check all things that you use to make sure they are gluten free.

First, here’s my recipe for a basic gluten-free flour for any cake other than angel food:
1 1/2 cups of OAT flour,
3/4 cup BROWN RICE flour 1/4 cup WHITE RICE flour.
1 tsp. xanthan Gum

Mix well. The xantan gum mixed into your flour makes the mixture stick together so your cake won’t fall apart. You can use this ratio as a base for any gluten free cake.  It’s a good, healthy mix. (I grind my own flours and it’s a lot cheaper than buying it.  I love grain mills. But that’s another story.)

OK, all set?  Here goes:

Dry ingredients:

  • 2 1/2 C Flour- (see above)
  • 4 tsp. Baking Powder
  • 1 tsp. Baking Soda
  • 1 tsp. Salt

Wet ingredients:

  • 4 eggs OR 8 egg whites OR 1 C. egg substitute- your choice-it all works the same.
  • 2 tsp vanilla–  remember, Gluten Free people-  check it to make sure!
  • 1 C. sugar
  • 1/2 C. honey
  • 2/3 C. mayonnaise-  You can use any kind.  If you are on a diet, use reduced calorie.  If a vegan, use vegan.  Whatever works for you.
  • 1 1/3 C. plain yogurt–  Any kind will do.  I like homemade greek yogurt, low fat.  Use what you like.  Soy yogurt works, too.  So does goat.

For the topping:

  • About a cup of brown sugar
  • Canned or peeled, fresh peaches, drained.
  • You can add pecans, cherries or just about anything else if you like to the topping. You can also substitute. Get creative here. Make it your own!


Use a 10 inch skillet– preheat oven to 350°.

Oil the skillet with the oil of your choosing.  I usually use canola.   Spread out the brown sugar to coat the skillet. Be generous.  Spread the peaches (slices or halves work) across the brown sugar.

Mix the dry ingredients.  I stir them with a fork to make sure they get all mixed up.

In a separate bowl, beat the eggs up really well.  Frothy and foamy is good.

Add the other wet ingredients to the frothy eggs and beat everything really well, until thoroughly combined.

Add the flour mix 1/2 cup at a time, mixing slowly, until it’s all mixed in.

Pour the batter over the peaches in the skillet and bake for about 45 minutes.  It’s done when the top is brown, the sides start to pull away from the pan and you stick a toothpick in the center and it comes out clean.

Pull the cake out of the oven, and let it rest NO MORE than 5 minutes. Turn it onto a very large plate. If you wait any longer, it will stick and make a big mess.  Sooner is better.

Serve hot or cold with yogurt, whipped cream, ice cream or plain.

You can cut this recipe in 1/2 and bake it in an 8 inch cake pan.  Just watch the time. It should bake sometime around 30 minutes.  I’ve never done it, but that sounds about right.

To use regular flour, if you don’t have to worry about gluten: use 2 1/2 cups all purpose regular flour.  Do not include xanthan gum.  All the other measurements are the same.

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