Our Creative Customers

Being a customer service representative, I get to talk to a lot of people from all over the country, and sometimes from various corners of the world. Not only do I get to chat with these people, I get to know them. There are several customers who know me by name and ask for me. I enjoy the conversations that we have, no matter how short they may be.

Something else about being in my position is learning about all these products. I am a “youngen” and have never had to use most of the products we sell. I have used several kitchen items because my mom would can food items from our garden and there are some garden tools that my parents have, but other than that I have not used many of these products. I have learned how they work just by working here. It has also inspired me to live like many of our customers: simply. Recently, I have found that people will often use our products to make other interesting things. Let me tell you about my new friend, Flossie.

As I sat in my little cubicle talking to different customers from all over the country, I get a call from east Tennessee, which is near and dear to my heart (I went to college in east TN). I couldn’t understand why this customer only wanted one box of the jar rubbers. Many people get several or at least one of each size. She only needed one box at that point. She began to tell me of the different things that she makes. She takes these jar rubbers and makes towel holders for in your kitchen. Interested in what they looked like, I asked her to describe them to me. They are essentially like the towels that button over the handle of the oven or fridge, except instead of buying all those “special made” towels, you can use any kitchCustomer service at Lehman'sen towel and hang in it. The jar rubbers are the ring that hold the towel.

I thought this was a neat idea (remember, I’m just a young one) not only because of the towel idea, but I like to crochet and would like to start to knit. She asked what color my kitchen was and said she would send a sample up to me. She sent me more than just those: she also sent me an apron for the dish soap bottle, and a wash rag. These are beautiful items and I must admit, she did a wonderful job on them! Thank you, Flossie, for the wonderful items! And for the wonderful conversation!

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17 years ago

East TN? I grew up in Upper Northeast TN… not from Bristol, TN Moved away from there 10 years ago with my hubby for his job.

I know a woman named Flossie that can crochet like. I wonder if it’s her. Surely not thought because she was elderly when I was growing up.

Love the idea of the towel holder!

17 years ago

Yes, the mountains of east Tennessee are near and dear. I went to school close to Johnson City, one of the Tri-Cities.

If anyone else has an idea similar to this one, let me know!

17 years ago

ETSU by chance? I was headed there and changed my mind. We drove into J.C. for a few years to watch the fireworks.

17 years ago

No, although I did take one class there. I went to Milligan College. It is between JC and Elizabethton.

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