Pandemic Preparedness with Kathy Harrison

For more than a decade I have been writing books and articles, teaching classes and presenting workshops on preparing your family for emergencies. I focused primarily on short-term events like fires, floods, hurricanes and winter storms because those were the most likely scenarios. In January, things changed. News reports began to filter in about a novel coronavirus, one with pandemic potential. Early in February, I sent out an email blast to family and friends suggesting it was time to take preparing seriously and get ready for long-term disruptions to supply chains and public services. Some people listened to me. Most didn’t. So here we are. While things are looking more hopeful in some parts of the country, it is clear that this virus is going to be impacting our lives for the foreseeable future. This begs an important question. Is it too late to prepare? To that I say an emphatic no! But where to begin? What are the critical areas to address that can help your family face the winter more comfortably and with less anxiety?

You can, perhaps, make multiple trips to your local market or big box store and lay in supplies and that isn’t a terrible strategy. It does, however, come with some downsides, space and finances being two of the big ones. Take laundry detergent. It was in very short supply for months. Now I could anticipate that it might again be hard to get. Instead of purchasing twelve large jugs of detergent, something that stores well but takes up a great deal of room and is very heavy to boot, I stocked up on the ingredients to make my own. I have twelve bars of Fels Naptha and 6 boxes each of Washing Soda and Borax. Now, for far less money, have the supplies to make my own detergent for several years and it all fits in a smallish tote.

Bread shelves were empty around here for several months. Yeast, flour, even bread pans were even harder to find. I suppose, if you had freezer space, you get multiple loaves on sale but how much easier to buy flour in bulk, yeast in one pound bricks and hone your bread baking skills. White flour can be stored for a very long time in mylar bags and plastic buckets or even in ½ gallon Mason jars. Then you can have fresh bread whenever you need it.

Prepping 101 Book
Get in-depth advice and steps for prepping in Kathy’s latest book, Prepping 101 Book.  Find it at or in Lehman’s Kidron store.

It’s harvest time. I just scored two huge boxes of tomatoes at the farmer’s market because they were about to go bad and the seller didn’t want to toss them out. It was the work of a pleasant day to turn those tomatoes into 14 jars of sauce, shelf stable and waiting to be turned into dinner.

Today, I’m making stuffed peppers, and peppers are in season and funny looking ones are to be had for next to nothing. I’ll freeze them and have ready to heat and eat meals, just in case.

This afternoon, my husband and I are making lists for each other. If I should get sick, Bruce needs to know how to log into my daughter’s on-line learning platform and what the farm share pick-up schedule looks like. I need a list of chores he tackles to button up the house for winter. We are also getting contact information for the family of an elderly neighbor we look after.

Anyone who has been following me for a while knows that I am not a bunker and bullet kind of prepper. I’m all about community and taking care of each other. Does your community have a mutual aid group or a CERT team? If they don’t, can you start one? We may well be in for a long, hard winter. It will be easier to manage if we are holding hands and dealing with whatever comes together.

Editor’s Note: This blog article was first posted September 2020.


Kathy Harrison and her husband own a small hobby farm, where they raise bees, chickens, and pigs and grow organic vegetables. Kathy has also written two books on family preparedness for Storey PublishingJust In Case: How To Be Self-Sufficient When the Unexpected Happens and Prepping 101: 40 Steps You Can Take To Be Prepared.

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Debrah L Veronese
Debrah L Veronese
3 years ago

I’ll have to save up, but I want this book. I learn so much from yall! You bless my life. Right now I can can afford the the candlewicks, and I’m blessed with that!
Praying for ya’ll!

April M.
April M.
2 years ago

Ms. Harrison, I have been a wreck all day at work after finishing up your book, “One Small Boat.” I recently finished, “Another Place at the Table” and my 16 year old daughter is reading it. She is in early college and I’m urging her to work in the child services field. Our family has one adoptive placement which totals our family size to my husband, myself and six kids ages 16 to 6 months. I have a very boring job as a DoD Army civilian in the security field in VA and wish I could have a farm house in Ohio. I want to foster and adopt more children and homestead. I have one cousin in Ohio too that would live with me and homestead with my disabled husband, if we all could. It’s just a dream for now. What do you recommend to Step Out of the Boat and make this dream come true? We are friends with pastor Joe Keim who started Mission to Amish People and is located in Ashland, Ohio. I referenced, “Step Out of the Boat” because he has a conference every year in March entitled that. You are an inspiration to me.

Kathryn Harrison
Kathryn Harrison
2 years ago

Thank you so much. I can only urge to take one action at a time. Take a class in child development or order some books on children and trauma from your library. If your local family service agency offers a course in foster parenting, take it, even if you don’t feel ready yet. Be sure your emotional house is in order. Address any unresolved family issues before adding a needy child. You clearly have passion. That’s the most important thing. Best wishes on your journey. There is a child out there who needs you.

Lydia D.
Lydia D.
5 months ago

I just finished Prepping 101, have begun re-reading it, and just bought the e-edition, as well. I’m a retired academic librarian and have been a life-long “prepper” in YOUR sense of the word. I took CERT training but when the pandemic hit, I used a lot of what I already knew, but the pandemic was something else again! I’ve been having great fun with this book! You write well, for general readers as well as for folks such as I am. I learned new things but kept thinking….”I wonder if she has tried this?”….or….”would it work to twist rinse water out of clothes using two people and a broom handle?” I’m old so I have to choose carefully how I spend my time but it was well spent with this book! Good for you for writing it!

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