Happy (almost) New Year! January 1st traditionally equals gut-check time. So let’s all delve in together, shall we? Here are four basic ways we can all be healthier and better prepared in 2016. Is it time for you to take one or more of these steps?

Eat cleaner. There are myriad ways to clean up your diet, and every little decision helps. Start by looking at the foods you buy from the market. Then, pick the top 3-4 foods you buy and change those out for healthier options (standard produce to organic, white bread to whole wheat bread, etc.). Have a garden? Consider expanding it this year, or grow something you’ve never tried before. My children recently stated they’d like to try rutabagas. Okay, we’ll give that a shot! Never had a garden? No matter where you live, you can start small – some herbs on the windowsill, even. Container gardens and raised beds are another smart, easy way to experiment as you begin. A few luscious, homegrown tomatoes from a pot on the patio and you’ll likely be bitten by the gardening bug.

Drink clean water. I grew up in a rural area, but as our neighborhood grew and more houses were built, my parents’ well water changed in taste. Concerned about pesticides from farmers spraying the fields and neighbors’ lawn treatments, they bought a Big Berkey water filter and have never looked back. Filtering drinking water is a step toward health and peace of mind that anyone can take. There are filters available for nearly any size family and situation, from the Go Berkey kit (great for dorms and travel) to our own Lehman’s bucket water filter, which can filter a whopping 24 gallons per day, depending on water quality. You can even test your own tap water to see what kind of filter is best for you. See all water filters and tests and purifiers.

Get good rest. Ah, sleep. It annoys us when we’re young (“I have to take a NAP?!”) and eludes us when we’re older. Getting enough sleep is tied to general good health, immunity, weight control, clear thinking, mood and even pain thresholds! Here’s a great resource on the recommended amount of sleep for differing age groups. Getting comfortable goes a long way to inducing a good night’s rest. So, make yourself comfortable with down pillows, featherbeds and nice warm blankets. There, that’s better. Goodnight!

Prepare. This is one of my personal resolutions for 2016. My goal is to be ready for a power outage lasting 1-3 days (which has definitely happened in our area), but your situation may be totally different. In any case, it’s just plain wise to have a well-stocked emergency pantry, along with supplies for emergency light, heat and water. Plus a few games for the little ones (and the big ones, who am I kidding)?
Wishing everyone the best on their 2016 resolutions.