From My Desk: Why We Exist

Why we exist is such a tough question to answer because it is different for each of us and it takes some true soul searching.  The same was true for our business when we worked at defining why we exist.  We know that we were ultimately created to glorify or honor God, but how do we do this in our physical world?  How do we do this in a business setting?  Through the process, we knew that we wanted to honor God and the way we would do this is by serving and providing for not ourselves but for others.  Ultimately, that is what our business is about.why we exist

To me, serving is something that I get a lot of joy out of, and this can look a lot of different ways.  When I think of serving, I immediately think of how we serve our customers and our team.  We serve our customers by keeping the shelves stocked, approaching them in a friendly manner, and shipping out their order on time.  We serve our team by giving them the tools they need to do their job, supporting and challenging them in the right way, and communicating the desires and needs of the business.  I can say that we are far from perfect in how we serve, but that doesn’t mean we won’t stop trying.  Jesus said, “The greatest among you shall be your servant,” and that is a statement I try to live by. 

I love that Lehman’s does such a great job of providing for others.  There are so many family-owned vendors that rely on us to help make them successful.  If you have shopped our website, you will notice the hundreds of Amish-made products that you can search for

Amish made straw hats
Products like our Sunset Straw Hats are locally made by the Amish.

These locally-made products and vendors are the backbone of our business, and we strive to sell and support these vendors by providing them with an avenue to sell their products.  I would encourage you to take a look at these unique products to see what items would be attractive to you.  I love that Lehman’s is an avenue for these vendors to provide for their family in a way that honors God. 

I really want to encourage you to take some time in prayer and reflection to see how God is moving you to impact your world.  Why we exist is a difficult question to answer, and it will take some time, but it is a rewarding question to answer for not only yourself but for others around you. 

 Zach Coblentz

“I love to hear from customers – “Give me a call, send me a text or shoot me an email about your experiences with one of our family of businesses.”

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Jennifer Brevick
Jennifer Brevick
1 year ago

First Corinthians 10:31 teaches believers to honor the Lord in all they do: “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” In Colossians 3:23 we read, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord.”
I agree with you Zach. Thanks for encouraging us to keep the right focus of servant hood. May God bless you, your family, and all your work!

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