Apartment Gardening Hacks: How to Grow Food in Limited Space

Renting an apartment three floors up with only a small balcony, I didn’t think I’d be able to grow fresh produce for my cooking and baking while living here. That was a bummer for me. Living at my parents’ house, working in their lush green garden was one of my favorite things to do, and I loved bringing the produce inside and making something delicious out of it. I wasn’t ready to give that up!

Luckily, my connection to Lehman’s and the ideas of simplicity and sustainability led me to a myriad of ways I could bring my gardening wishes into my limited living space. Here are some apartment gardening hacks I’ve used.

Invest in a Raised Garden Bed

Getting a small, raised garden bed was a game changer for me. My balcony is four feet by eight feet, so I couldn’t get something huge. At four feet by two feet, the cedar elevated garden bed fits perfectly into the side of my balcony. This gives me eight square feet of gardening space. The elevated beds are perfect for people with back issues who don’t want to bend over too much, and that includes me!

cCassic vegtrug elevated garden bed
Discover a selection of raised garden beds, like the Classic VegTrug Elevated Garden Bed. Available at Lehmans.com

The Vigoroot Balcony Garden Bed is another great option, with its four tiers of space.Apartment Gardening Hack: Vertical planter for balcony and patios

It’s amazing how much soil fits in my gardening bed, and I’m able to grow different fruits and vegetables every season. Last year was a “salsa garden” with peppers, tomatoes, chives, and herbs. This summer, I want to make a “salad garden” with lettuce, spinach, kale, carrots, tomatoes, and radishes. Make sure to do your research and only plant things that will grow well together.

Hang Baskets Around Your Apartment

Hanging baskets are a great way for me to grow more without overcrowding my balcony. Berries grow wonderfully on hanging baskets. Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, and more can be grown in baskets, too. You can find them for sale or plant your fruits and vegetables into hanging baskets yourself.Gardening basket planter

Utilize Indoor Space for Gardening

Small herb gardens can easily be grown inside. All they need is sunlight and water. If you have a sunny windowsill in your kitchen, you can grow fresh herbs right there! Home-grown herbs have a fresh taste that you just can’t buy. Make sure your container has drainage and remember to only harvest a little at a time to avoid harming the plants.

Take Part in a Community Garden

A community garden is a place where you can grow your produce away from home. It also allows for socializing between gardeners and building community. The Buckeye Street Gardens in Wooster and the Medina Community Garden are just two to consider if you live near them!

Or, Visit a Farmer’s MarketWoman at farmer's market with fresh produce

If you love fresh produce as much as I do, but you don’t have the time to deal with growing it yourself, farmer’s markets are a great solution. Most communities have them during the warmer months. Look up where one is near you! These markets provide fresh, organic produce, often grown and cut that very morning. I love going to my town’s farmer’s market when I want something I’m not growing at home.

However you do it, gardening is a hobby that provides sustenance and helps the world. Reducing our consumption of industrial agriculture is a healthier and more sustainable way to live. Even a little bit goes a long way!

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