When The Lights Go Out
Spend a few minutes today checking over your emergency supplies. You never know when you might be very glad you did.
Spend a few minutes today checking over your emergency supplies. You never know when you might be very glad you did.
Preparedness expert Gaye Levy of Backdoor Survival explains why you should dust off your old cookbooks, and maybe acquire some new ones, too.
It’s not too late for this winter, and an emergency vehicle kit is a wise idea in any season! What’s in yours?
Before I started working for Lehman’s, I had never heard of such a thing. Even though I grew up in this area of Ohio’s Amish Country, I never really thought about how the Amish keep warm in their buggies when they’re driving around in frigid, below-zero temps…
The “good ole” days don’t have to be just memories … you can make your own today with your own wood-burning cookstove.
By practicing crime prevention now, and making home security a part of daily life, you can be one step closer to preserving your homestead when a crisis comes.
I decided to do what I always do when I want something I either can’t afford or aren’t willing to part with the cash for: make it myself.
Happy (almost) New Year! January 1st traditionally equals gut-check time. So let’s all delve in together, shall we?
A new year means new maintenance and projects for any homeowner. Get inspired to create your own 2017 home checklist! Here’s a start.
Get back to survival basics with these wise suggestions and ideas for prepping for an unexpected power outage.
Tips and Tools for Homemade Bread
Sourdough Bread for Beginners: What I’ve Learned
Tree Tapping: Advice from a Maple Syrup Expert
How to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Actually Stick
Community Recipes: Christy’s Old-Fashioned Tuna Noodle Casserole
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