Get Water From Your Well – Without Electricity
Power outages can leave those with country wells “high and dry.” Fortunately, we have two solutions to help you get water from your well, without using electricity!
Power outages can leave those with country wells “high and dry.” Fortunately, we have two solutions to help you get water from your well, without using electricity!
This is a lifestyle of being prepared and being self-sufficient. It’s an American value – that pioneering spirit that made America great. That’s what we need more of.
Some will save you money, some are eco-friendly, some are healthier for you, and almost all wll come in very handy during an emergency or power outage. Here are a few simple ways to start doing something with your own two hands, today.
When Glynis first went off-grid, she had never used a wood stove. Now, after several years of learning the ropes, she shares her “must-haves” for wood stove owners.
“Every day carry” is an inventory of the things you take with you on a daily basis. Evaluate yours on this idea: how useful is all of it–or any of it–in a pinch?
How many people – including backpackers – go out into nature, on the trail, into the woods – and are completely unplugged?
Our garden project took many brains, hands and strong backs, not to mention months of planning and prep work before the actual planting got underway. Why go to all the trouble?
My daughter is getting her own apartment. She’ll be moving soon and the whole family has been very busy helping her get ready
I’m going to make a confession here. I don’t have a clothesline.
With today’s busy schedules, planning and getting healthy meals on the table is a challenge. Organizing your pantry can make it faster and easier – and save on your food budget, too!
Tips and Tools for Homemade Bread
Sourdough Bread for Beginners: What I’ve Learned
Tree Tapping: Advice from a Maple Syrup Expert
How to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Actually Stick
Community Recipes: Christy’s Old-Fashioned Tuna Noodle Casserole
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