
A Non-Electric Life

My daughter is getting her own apartment. She’ll be moving soon and the whole family has been very busy helping her get ready

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Amish Lenten Soup Recipe

When I came across this simple soup recipe, I was intrigued. A little searching led me to the following information.

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Thrifty Laundry Soap Recipe (From a Mother of 7)

As a mother of seven, laundry has always been a huge job. I swear the hamper has not been empty for more than five minutes in the past forty years. Some years ago I began making my own laundry detergent. It really only takes a few minutes of hands-on time and I see no difference in the quality of the finished product.

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Craft An Upcycled Christmas in 2015

Over the holidays I get to exercise my creative muscle to make beautiful wrappings and tags from what would otherwise be junk into decorative items that can be reused year after year.

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