Grandparents Day: A Time to Honor Those We Love

Every family dynamic is different, but in my family and most others that I know, grandparents are the leaders. They are the ones everyone looks up to, the ones that take charge and bring everyone together onto the right path, and the ones that begin great traditions and legacies. Grandmas and grandpas are the reasons families begin and the reasons they bond and grow. They are the glue of a family unit. The wisdom they hold from their years of life and their willingness to share it with the next generations is something irreplaceable. Grandparents have worked their entire lives to provide safe, stable, and happy lives for their loved ones. They deserve honor, recognition, and respect for all they do. That is why we have Grandparents Day.

I am lucky to live near my grandparents, since many aren’t so lucky. My relationship with my grandparents has always been one of respect, admiration, and mutual interests. My grandpa, Jay Lehman, has told me about his amazing world travels, and that is part of what inspired me to start exploring the world. He also has sparked my interest in charity and mission work through his many incredible services to the world. When I was little, he used to pick me up from daycare and take me to lunch or bowling. I have the fondest memories of holidays and birthdays being spent at their house. They are always welcoming and inviting.

jay and emma lehman
Jay and Emma Lehman

I love hearing my grandparents’ stories and learning from them. My maternal grandmother passed away when I was just a baby, but the wonderful stories I’ve heard about her will keep her in my heart forever. The woman my grandfather married years later is one of the kindest, gentlest people I know. I value my wise, kind grandparents so much and that is why I will remember them this Sunday.

This year, Grandparents Day is on Sunday, September 10th. This day was created to raise awareness about the value of senior citizens in communities and honor grandmas and grandpas everywhere. It is meant to encourage younger people to reach out to their grandparents and spend time with them, especially if they don’t often get to see them. By visiting, calling, or writing to grandparents on this day, we are reminding them that we love them and making their days brighter. So, if you have the opportunity, spend this Sunday with a grandparent, or more than one. Invite them to lunch, or to a movie, or to the park. Or pick up the phone and give them a call to catch them up on how you’re doing. They will appreciate it!

Allison Ervin
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