Savor the Flavor of Fall with Homemade Pumpkin Treats

Pumpkin Cake BarsEditor’s Note: Here in Ohio’s Amish Country, fall is in full swing, so today we’re sharing with you the best pumpkin treats we’ve found. Whether you’re a baker or not, we have something for everyone!

Making food from scratch is a time-honored tradition in the Amish community, a tradition that also has deep roots in our little town of Kidron. Here at Lehman’s offices, it’s not unusual to find homemade baked goods sitting on our corner table (“the food table” as my fellow co-workers have dubbed it, since it always seems to be filled with food).

Shelley, a merchandising assistant at Lehman’s, is one of the several amazing home bakers in our office who has contributed many delicious cookies and muffins to this table over the years. (Her annual Christmas cookie tray is a highlight here!) It’s also a well-known fact that Shelley loves everything pumpkin. So, it was only fitting that we went to her for a fall pumpkin recipe.

Shelley's Pumpkin Muffin Tray
Here are some pumpkins muffins that Shelley made for co-workers this past week. By the time this photo was taken, they were almost gone!

Homemade Pumpkin Cookies

Shelley shared with us her Auntie Flo’s recipe for Soft Pumpkin Cookies (click on the name to find it). These super soft, melt-in-your-mouth cookies taste like fall, and in our opinion, they’re best when shared. You might even want to enlist your family’s help and make it a fun event. We’ve found that youngsters love to help, too, especially when a cookie is involved. Remember, though, to let the cookies cool before icing them (it’s tempting to skip ahead!).

If you want to make these cookies truly from scratch, try processing your own pumpkin. Fresh pumpkin puree just beats canned versions hands down and making it is simpler than you think.

Helpful Hint: If you prefer a harder cookie, try this recipe instead – no pumpkin puree needed.

Pumpkin Desserts from Amish Country

Pumpkin Whoopie Pies
Our local bakers make some of the best pumpkin treats around, including these Pumpkin Whoopie Pies (pictured above). Available at

If you feel lost in a kitchen or are short on time, you might prefer our already-baked pumpkin desserts. They’re made in an Amish Country bakery not far from us and are shipped right to your door ready to eat – no preparation needed on your part!

They are great for family meals, especially for the upcoming holiday season.  And of course, they’re oh so good.  Here are some delectable suggestions to try.

Pumpkin Cake Roll

Pumpkin Cake Roll
Available at

Our pumpkin cake roll is super moist with layers of pumpkin and rich, sweet cream cheese filling.

Pumpkin Nut Muffins

Pumpkin Nut Muffins
Available at

Our pumpkin-packed muffins are baked fresh with topped with chopped walnuts, then drizzled in a sweet white glaze – they’re hard to resist!

Pumpkin Cake Bars

Pumpkin Cake Bars
Available at

Our pumpkin cake bars are topped with a sweet frosting. So good and fresh, friends and family will think you made them.

You can find more of our pumpkin treats and other Amish Country baked goods here. We hope you savor this wonderful season!

Do you have a favorite pumpkin dessert? Let us know in the comments below.

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