One of our bloggers, Kendra, has the luck to live in a very temperate zone (according to the USDA Plant Hardiness map). She’s currently working on harvesting her summer garden, and planning/planting her fall garden. When Country Life asked about her fall garden plans, she sent back a great comprehensive answer! See what she’s doing–and if you’re in Zones 6b or warmer, you may find it works for you too!
CL: What are you planning for your fall garden?
This year I’m going to focus on planting root crops throughout my fall garden. Carrots, onions, garlic, potatoes, turnips, and radishes are on my list of things to plant. I’ll also probably throw in some spinach as well. My children have asked for more peas, so as soon as our cucumbers are finished with these last few cukes hanging on the vines, I’ll pull them out and replant more Purple Podded peas for them.
CL: Have you planted fall crops before, or is this your first time? (If you’ve done it before, feel free to explain in detail! If it’s your first time, what are your concerns?)
Usually my garden sits pretty bare through the winter. This year I’m hoping to make the most of our growing space. Our winters are very mild here, so hopefully I won’t have too much trouble with stuff freezing. We’ll see!
Usually my garden sits pretty bare through the winter. This year I’m hoping to make the most of our growing space. Our winters are very mild here, so hopefully I won’t have too much trouble with stuff freezing. We’ll see!

CL: How will you preserve the crops that can be harvested before cold weather?
Since we don’t have a root cellar yet, I’ll most likely can whatever we don’t eat fresh. I’d also like to try storing root crops straight in the ground and using them as needed throughout the cold months. I’m a little afraid they might rot, or bugs will get to them before I do. If I have enough of a harvest to experiment with, I’ll try mulching them with straw and seeing how they do. One of these days we’ll have a proper root cellar!!
Kendra’s promised to stay in touch, and let us know how the ground storage and mulching program works. Stay tuned for updates here!