9 Essential Products You Need When Heating with Wood
Using a wood heatstove or cookstove? Here are the most important hearth accessories you need to keep your stove at its best.
Using a wood heatstove or cookstove? Here are the most important hearth accessories you need to keep your stove at its best.
One of my favorite things about winter is cooking on my wood stove. It saves money since I’m not running propane in my regular stove, and it tastes better!
Here is a list of our Top 10 Tips, compiled from questions we have received from customers, for using your wood stove and keeping it in tip-top shape.
Spring is the best time for woodpile prep. Learn the basics to seasoning, chopping, hauling, and stacking firewood.
Learn how to care for your wood stove with these tips from Lehman’s stove team. With the proper care, you can keep your stove in tip-top shape!
Why heat with wood? Axe enthusiast Patrick Gilliam shares his reasons for heating his home solely with wood and the satisfaction it brings.
I have heated with wood for the past 30 years. The whole process, from chopping and hauling wood to gathering around the stove, makes me happy.
You don’t need noisy, smelly chainsaws for splitting wood. Axe expert Patrick Gilliam shares how he splits wood by hand and finds enjoyment in his work.
Before you fire up your wood-burning heatstove, make sure you have the right firewood! Axe expert Patrick Gilliam shares his tips for the best firewood.
Hannah shares her experience with heating her yurt. “It’s definitely more work to heat with wood than to heat with gas or electricity, but it feels good!”
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