10 Tips for Using Your Wood Stove

Here at Lehman’s, we’ve been selling wood heating and cooking stoves for over six decades and have talked to thousands of customers.  Below is a list of the Top Ten Tips, compiled from questions we have received from customers, to keep your wood stove in tip-top condition!

In my family, we have used a wood heating stove for years as a secondary source of heat.   

1. Use a stove fan.
Not only will a stove fan push warm air from your wood-burning stove through the room, it rotates for efficient distribution and it doesn’t use electricity.

Stove fan for wood stove
Stove fans are available at Lehmans.com or in our store in Kidron, Ohio.

2. Burn dry, seasoned wood.
Moisture is the natural enemy of a roaring fire and green wood can cause buildup of creosote.  Spring is the best time chop and stack your firewood, as six months is the recommended seasoning time.

3. The best firewood species are oak, maple or ash wood.
The worse woods to burn, because they are soft and full of resin, are pine, poplar, cedar, eucalyptus, and alder.

4. Keep your chimney clean.
Creosote buildup not only makes your stove less efficient, it could be a safety issue. 

5. Ensure the stove is properly installed.
It’s important to have the correct pipe system in place, as well as proper clearance and have a hearth pad under the stove.

Hearthstone Manchester wood heat stove
Browse our selection of heat stoves, including USA-Made Hearthstone stoves, at Lehmans.com. Or stop by our stove room in our store in Kidron, Ohio. We have experts on hand to help you find the right stove for you!

6. Warm frozen wood for a week or so before burning.
Frozen firewood can create a smoldering fire, not the roaring blaze you want.

7. Burn at the correct temperature.
The right temperature is between 260 and 460 degrees.  Use a stove thermometer to ensure the fire is the proper heat.

8. Burn ONLY seasoned wood.
Not your junk mail, newspaper or magazines. Using an all-natural Firestarter is best.

9. Open the door about 30 minutes before starting a fire.
The inside of your stove can be much colder than your house and this will ensure you have a good draft when you start your fire.

10. Leave a layer of ash on the bottom of your stove to insulate hot coals.

La Nordica Wood Cook Stove
Wood cookstoves offer reliable heat AND a source of cooking. Find La Nordica cookstoves at Lemans.com or in our store.
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1 year ago

Helpful article for me and my family

1 year ago

Where can you purchase a bakers salute oven for a wood stove

Glenn Barker
Glenn Barker
11 months ago

Good tips but I need more. What I need is a “wood stoves for dummies “ instruction manual. What are those slide vents and how do I use them? When and how do I use the butterfly on the top of my stove?

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