Intentional Living

Milagro the Duck (or, Never Give Up!)

It took 36 hours. That’s an eternity for a child. Or for a hatchling. And that’s the reason the new member of our family got her special name. Our new duckling is called “Milagro”-the Spanish word for “miracle”-because she had a lot of trouble making her entrance into the world. She didn’t give up, even though we almost gave up on her.

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Bearing It!

Judith Costello often sees human behavior mirrored in her animals – and vice versa. Lately, she’s been noticing some odd behavior in her two dogs that looks an awful lot like Judith and her husband after an argument. Hmmm…very interesting.

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How to Shop Green (part 2)

Let’s face it, we are all consumers to some extent. So how do we make smart choices for both our families and the environment? Glenda Lehman Ervin offers some easy tips that are kind to your budget, too!

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Little Horse (The Chick)

New Mexico homesteader Judith Costello returns with another engaging tale of her often spirited, sometimes confused, but always entertaining livestock.

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Cardinal bird

Decorate For the Birds

When you decorate for the holidays this year, why not adorn your backyard with some edible treats your feathered friends (the wild birds)

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On a Monday night almost exactly a year ago, we were drawn outside to balmy (at least for Ohio in December) 50 degree

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