Intentional Living

carrying firewood from splitting wood

Splitting Wood By Hand

You don’t need noisy, smelly chainsaws for splitting wood. Axe expert Patrick Gilliam shares how he splits wood by hand and finds enjoyment in his work.

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Downsizing for a Simpler Life

Surrounded by clutter? Glenda Lehman Ervin shows you how filling your home with only practical and meaningful items can help you live a simpler life.

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Living a Zero-Waste Lifestyle

Is your household ready to go green? Living a zero-waste lifestyle is possible by making simple choices. Learn how to eliminate your trash with Patrice Lewis’ help.

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a yurt

Why I’m Building a Yurt

In order to live on the land where I work, I need a dwelling, one that I can put up with a few days’ work. That’s why a yurt is the perfect choice.

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Stop. Smile. Connect. Repeat.

Putting down the phone and talking to the person behind you in line or next to you at the airport terminal is the start. It took almost zero effort and brightened her moment. It lifted mine too.

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