Thanks For The Love, Alliance for American Manufacturing
Lehman’s Best Ice Cream Freezers were named to the Alliance for American Manufacturing’s “Our Favorite Made In USA Products 2013” list! Thank you
Lehman’s Best Ice Cream Freezers were named to the Alliance for American Manufacturing’s “Our Favorite Made In USA Products 2013” list! Thank you
Connie, a Country Life blogger is a great fiber artist. She recently completed a hand-woven coverlet, and shared the story and photos with us. Read more about this wonderfully heart-warming story!
There are so many things yet to be done at the house but I’m committed a church retreat. And that’s the truth of a good life. It’s a series of choices about how we spend our time and our money. The life we build is up to us.
This quick ginger ale recipe is a great idea for holiday parties. It keeps up to two weeks in the refrigerator.
It occurs to me a lack of organization is responsible for more wasted food than any other single thing.
Recently, Maegan Sonksen, who writes the The Bee Hive Buzz blog, waded right in with some of our laundry products and her baby’s cloth diapers. See how she does laundry by hand–by choice–for her family.
When you give thanks this week, don’t forget the family farmer! Blogger Dori tells us why she’s still glad to be farming in the 21st century.
There’s so much experimentation and variation that can happen from this easy recipe. Enjoy it! Uniqueness is what makes home-cultured sourdough bread so exciting.
Sometimes, a simple repurposing project isn’t as simple as it looks. Follow blogger AKShulman as she works a basic plastic bottle into a practical re-use role as a cel phone cradle.
Hannah Breckbill is settling in for the winter season on her homestead. And she’s indulging her favorite food preservation technique: fermentation! Find out how to get into a pickle yourself.
Tips and Tools for Emergency Preparedness
Community Recipes: Plow Boys (Pork and Potatoes)
Tips and Tools for Wood Stoves
Make-Ahead Recipes for Your Valentine
Podcast Episode: Non-Electric Living with Patrice Lewis
Tips and Tools for Using Oil Lamps
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