Kayla, Koda and Carrots: Garden in Bloom

We have a start of a garden! Some of my plants have been thriving, some have not. In these last few months, I have certainly learned from my mistakes, and developed my skills to know what to do better.

We’ll start off with the mistakes and things I would do differently next time. My plants on the top row of my patio garden are thriving and healthy, while my lower rows, are more sparse. I learned that I had mispositioned my garden some and my lower 3 tiers were receiving a little too little sunlight for the plants I planted in them. I would recommend planting lower sunlight plants in your patio garden like Beets, Carrots, or Garlic. These types of plants would do much better on the lower rows on the garden, where I struggled with my sprouts. This garden has proven a learning curve for me, but now on to the best part; growth!Close-up of tomato plants

My Roma and Cherry tomato plants have been coming up very nicely and have gotten support ties. Support ties are used to attach to a rod to keep your tomato plants upright, since they tend to be top-heavy. I look forward to not only my tomatoes to grow, but also my brussels sprouts, peas, and sage. I am planning out a dinner for my harvest already. While not all of my plants have grown, I am proud to say that some have and are healthy and happy!

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