Sweet ‘n Salty: Saltine “Cookies” Recipe

Saltine CookiesThis recipe is a favorite in my family. It’s simple to make – no flour or lots of mixing. Plus, it will please the chocolate lovers in any crowd. The secret ingredient? Saltine crackers.

Years ago when my mom first made these for Christmas, my whole family was a little skeptical. These “cookies” were not the traditional cut-out cookies we were used to eating during the holidays. After one bite, we were convinced: these cookies are delicious!

Now, not one Christmas goes by in my family without making a batch (or two) of these chocolatey treats. They’re unique, and the upside is that you can make the portions as small or as big as you like.

Saltine Cracker “Cookies” Recipe
Like most good recipes, this one has been passed through my family over the years. The original source is unknown.

  • 2 sticks real butter
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • Chopped walnuts (as much as you desire will be used to sprinkle over cookies)
  • 1 pack of saltine crackers
  • 6 oz chocolate chips

Cover a large cookie sheet with foil. Butter foil. Put single layer of crackers on cookie sheet (side-by-side).

On the stove, melt butter in a pot; add brown sugar. Boil for 3 minutes. Pour mixture over crackers. Then, bake for 5 minutes 400ºF.

Remove from the oven and immediately spread chocolate chips over the crackers. (The chocolate will easily melt on top. I always use a butter knife to help spread it evenly. A rubber spatula will work as well. Also, I use 9 oz of chocolate chips (more than what the original recipe called for), so all the crackers are evenly covered in chocolate.

Sprinkle with walnuts. Allow cookies to harden. (Putting them in the refrigerator helps speed up the process, especially if your kitchen is warm from all the baking.)

After hardening, cut the cookies with a knife. This part is a little messy, and some of the edges of the crackers will break as you cut. This is normal. (To making the cutting smoother, I usually let the tray set 5-10 minutes after removing it from the refrigerator before cutting.)

Finally, they are ready for you to enjoy!

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