Recipe of the Week: Fresh Grilled Fruit Mix

Grilling is by far my favorite method of cooking. I love to be outside and smell the wonderful flavors wafting from the grill. And with the weather starting to warm up here in Ohio, I’m using the grill more and more. Steak, fish, pizza, chicken . . . the list goes on and on. This week’s recipe is a simple one that requires little ingredients and little time, and of course, the grill.

Fresh Grilled Fruit Mix

This is as simple as it gets. All you need is your choice of fresh fruit and a piece of foil. I usually grill a combination of fruit, which adds more flavor. (My favorite combination is strawberries, peaches and pineapple.) Here are the fruits I’ve tried:

  • Strawberries
  • Pineapple
  • Peaches
  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries
  • Raspberries

First, slice your fruit. I generally cut strawberries in half. For pineapple, I cut into small chunks. For a peach, I slice it into eight sections, leaving the skin on. (The skin helps keep the peaches more intact, so they don’t become so mushy after grilling.) For smaller berries, use as whole.


After your fruit is sliced, you’ll need a piece of aluminum foil. (I use heavy-duty aluminum foil.) Helpful tip: Be careful not to overload the foil. If you have a lot of fruit to grill, it may be best to have several foil packets rather than one big, heavy one because the foil will be more vulnerable to rip. Also, the more fruit, the more time it will take to grill.

Make sure you fold all the sides of the foil securely.

Place fruit on foil and fold the sides over, and securely seal so that you have formed a packet. The packet-shape helps keep the juices in, which adds lots of flavor.

Place packet on grill. While grilling, do not flip the packet. (I’ve grilled fruit many times in foil and it’s not necessary to flip for it to cook even. When I first tried flipping the packet, not only did the juices pour out, but some of my fruit did as well. Keep the folded side upright to prevent this.)

Grill for approximately 5 minutes. Depending on your grill, it might take less time.

If you look carefully, you can see the delicious juices of the fruit.  That’s why it makes a great topping!

Remove packet from the grill with tongs. Be careful when opening the packet because the foil will be hot. (Use an oven mitt or tongs to open the packet) Serve immediately after. Grilled fruit tastes best when served warm.

Eat it by itself or use it as a delicious topping on ice cream, angel food cake, pancakes and waffles.


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