
Our Easter Lamb Cake Tradition

Traditions are a huge part of every family history. One of our favorite Easter traditions, and one that has become an important part of our family, is making and decorating a lamb-shaped cake.

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Why Bake Your Own Bread?

Baking bread is a simple, satisfying way to connect with family members, share love and nourish others. Both my mom and my wife’s

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Maple Nutmeg Feather Cake

Even though I’ve lived in Europe for over thirty years now, there are still some American childhood tastes and flavours that stay with me. It’s like they are engraved in my tastebud DNA. One of these is maple syrup.

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Blue Ribbon Honey Bread

I cautiously approached the table, and nearly dropped to the floor. My poor humble loaf of bread was proudly posing with the blue ribbon. Here’s the recipe for that award-winning bread!

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