The Surprising Uses of Castile Soap (And How to Dilute It)
The uses of castile soap are almost endless, which is why this cleaner has been a popular choice for generations. Learn how to use this gentle soap.
The uses of castile soap are almost endless, which is why this cleaner has been a popular choice for generations. Learn how to use this gentle soap.
Homesteading is a journey. It doesn’t happen overnight and it may take years to achieve a person’s sustainability goals. But each step is progress toward the goal.
The new year has begun and perhaps you are planning some healthy changes for 2024. With our curated selection of health and wellness products, let us help you take the next step on your journey to a simpler life.
What’s the difference between fermenting and pickling? Fermentation expert and author Kirsten K. Shockey answers this common question.
Eating in season has a lot of important benefits. Not only do fruit and vegetables taste better you can save money too! Learn more tips inside.
Nature has a healing power and helps with both physical and mental health. Being in nature doesn’t have to be intimidating. Here are five activities to try.
We have seedlings! After planting our patio garden four weeks ago and battling a frost warning, our garden is starting to grow. Take a look at our progress.
Hi, I’m Kayla – and this is my cat, Koda. We’ve decided to plant a patio garden this summer and share our gardening adventure with you.
As the first day of spring just arrived, we have compiled 23 ways to enjoy the great outdoors. Happy spring!
It’s almost here – the First Day of Spring! Here in Ohio, the weather may or may not cooperate on the “official” day,
Podcast Episode: Living in Alaska with Tandy Hogate
Community Recipes: Southwest Quinoa
How to Get the Most Heat from Your Wood Stove
DIY Beekeeping for Beginners: How to Start and Care for Your Hive
How to Make Liquid Soap at Home: A Simple Beginner-Friendly Recipe
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